Privacy Policy

1. Overview

Alumina Limited (Alumina) respects and is committed to protecting your privacy. This document sets out Alumina’s policies on handling personal information.


Alumina is bound by and intends to comply with the Australian National Privacy Principles (NPPs) contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act) as well as other applicable privacy legislation when dealing with personal information.



2. Background

Privacy Principles relate to ‘Personal information’.


Personal information means; information or opinion, whether true or not, whether recorded in material form or not about an individual whose identity is apparent, or can reasonably be ascertained. Basically, personal information is any information that can be used to identify a natural person, whether or not it includes their name.


Personal information extends to Sensitive information which means information or an opinion about an individual’s racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, membership of political association, religious beliefs or affiliations, philosophical beliefs, membership of professional or trade association or union, sexual preferences or practices or criminal record or health information about an individual.



3. What kinds of personal information does Alumina collect and what it used for?

We collect, use, store and disclose personal information as required to conduct our business, including to manage our operations, keep records of our shareholders, protect and enforce our legal rights and obligations, conduct or participate in investigations or due diligence, and facilitate transactions involving Alumina or any of our affiliates.


The following are the main types of personal information collected by Alumina and the main purposes the information is used for:

Personal information What is it used for?
Information such as names, business contact details and dealings with suppliers and potential suppliers to Alumina To administer Alumina’s dealings and potential dealings with suppliers of products and services
Information such as the names and contact details of persons who provide Alumina with information or request information including but not restricted to; business partners/alliances, government agencies, public sources (eg. Dun & Bradstreet) To receive or supply information
Information such as the names and contact details of persons who contact Alumina with requests for information, this includes but is not restricted to, analysts, brokers, media representatives. To respond to those requests and to market Alumina
Information about applicants for employment with Alumina To assess those applications for employment
Information about Alumina’s employees and contractors relevant to their employment or contract with Alumina To fulfil Alumina’s responsibilities as an employer and contractor

4. How information is collected

We collect personal information from individuals where practicable. Sometimes, we may collect personal information from third parties, employees or from publicly available information.


5. Disclosure of personal information

As a general rule, Alumina will not provide personal information to any third parties except:

  • to other members of the Alumina group of companies;
  • to contractors engaged to provide services in connection with the purposes mentioned above but generally only if they satisfy Alumina that they comply with the Privacy Act and other relevant privacy laws;
  • to parties who are investing in Alumina or involved in a transaction with Alumina; or
  • if it is otherwise permitted or required by the Privacy Act or any other law.


Alumina will handle personal information by relying on the employee and related bodies corporate exemption in the Privacy Act where these exemptions are relevant.

6. Accessing personal information

You may have a right to access personal information Alumina holds about you. Please contact Katherine Kloeden (contact details below) to ask for access to your information or if you have a complaint concerning your information privacy. Alumina may deny your request to access your information in some circumstances, but if Alumina does this it will tell you why.



Further information

If you have any further questions about this Policy or if you have a specific privacy issue, please contact Alumina’s Privacy Compliance Officer, Katherine Kloeden on 8699 2604 or


For further information about the NPPs you can visit the Australian Privacy Commissioner’s website at


A PDF copy of the policy can be found here.